UC Berkeley Spring 2017 Course
Graduate Convex Optimization and Approximation
For the Spring 2017 semester, I am just a student. I've begun taking notes for each lecture and am releasing them below.
Lecture Notes
- 1/24 Note 3 : Generalized Quadratics
- 1/26 Note 4 : Convex Descent Methods
- 1/31 Note 5 : Projection Operator
- 2/2 Note 6 : Projected Gradient Descent
- 2/7 Note 7 : Subdifferentiable Method
- 2/14 Note 8 : Momentum Methods, Max Functions
Crib Sheets
Crib sheets contain cheat-sheet worthy material. They are not substitutes for lecture or for readings.
Extra resources and documents that I've written.