The following are a few riddles that I have came up with. They are either original or modifications of popular questions.
Complete Directory of my riddles
The King is hosting a party. Each of his guests must bring him a bottle of wine, with the guest's name engraved. Exactly one
The King is hosting a party. Each of his guests must bring him a bottle of wine, with the guest's name engraved. Exactly two
Consider ropes that take exactly 1 hour to burn. Note that these ropes may burn unevenly (i.e,. It may not take exactly 30
Four logicians have been captured by The Enemy and will only be set free if one of the four logicians can win the game.
The Grand Master paints 3 dots on one logician's forehead, 2 on another, and 2 on the last. Each logician cannot see his
The Grand Master paints dots on three logicians' heads, where there are at most five dots between any two logicians.
Mr. Doofus is on vacation in Hawaii, enjoying the island of Kaua'i. He wishes to fly from one end of the island to the